Your Reliable
Advantage Partner!

We make healthcare more accessible.

We provide world-class distribution, digital and commercial services to support the growing healthcare needs.

Having US $13 billion market value
Covering 13 business markets
Serving more than 350,000 health facilities
Working with over 1,000 medical-related clients
Including the top 20 worldwide pharmaceutical companies

Zuellig Pharma

Taiwan's leading healthcare service company.

The company boasts a state-of-the-art warehousing infrastructure in the Taoyuan Dayuan Area, which features the largest cold chain facility in Taiwan.
This infrastructure is certified by ISO and complied with PIC/S to meet the guidelines for, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP).
Zuellig Pharma Taiwan has also helped the government distribute COVID-19 vaccines.



Medical-related customers


Beyond distribution, Zuellig Pharma's solutions business includes Clinical Reach, Commercial Solutions, Channel, CareConnect, and Data Analytics.

We extend the clinical trial service to sites in Taiwan.

Clinical Reach Solution

End-to-end Project Management and Consultancy

Our services

We are doing a couple of things you might be interested in

Site Management Service

Your Professional Partner

Clinical Research Nurse

Clinical Research Nurse

Providing professional registered clinical Research Nurses at hospitals for clinical trial.

Operation Model

Operation Model

Including main clinical research nurse (CRN), Back-up CRN, CRN instructor.

Clinical Trial Program

Clinical Trial Program

Providing professional consultant and handling studies from Phase I ~Phase IV at hospitals.

Direct to patient

Direct to patient

Adopting COVID-19 pandemic to provide Direct to Patient services.

CRN Training

CRN Training

Training Collaborating with IRB and clinical trial center (CTC) for GCP training or study nurse workshops.

Home Nursing

Home Nursing

Collaborating with home health care of hospital to implement home nursing service on clinical trials.

The web site is for clinical trial management, and we look forward to collaborating with you

Tracy Chui

Sr. CTM Operation Project Manager

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